Louisville's Premier Self Defense & Martial Arts Club
Since 2005, we have provided the Louisville Metro Area with authentic military-style Palmach Krav Maga; the ultimate in self-defense, martial arts instruction and self protection programs.
The Palmach פלמ"ח -‬ was established on 15 May 1941. It was the elite fighting force of the Haganah, the underground army of the Yishuv (Jewish community) during the British Mandate for Palestine.
We provide a practical and unique training system that focuses on realism with safety in mind. Based on the concepts and techniques of Israeli Krav Maga, Lotar, and Kapap, we bring a system to our members that provides the ability to learn reality self-defense, fighting techniques, and combat fitness simultaneously. Many Krav Maga system is the USA resemble more of a MMA program, our system is quite different. Come experience the difference. We train realism with progressive resistance in a very, very safe training format.
Our training is for men, women, and children of most ages. No experience required!
Krav Maga in Action!

Short Term Training

Long Term Training

With a little research you will quickly find that Krav Maga provides the quickest system to get a person up to a level where they have the highest possibility of defending themselves with no previous experience.
Unlike other Martial Arts programs you may find in Louisville, Ky or elsewhere...Krav Maga cuts through the fat and only uses techniques and principles that have been battle proven to work!
Our short term training is designed for the busy person who wants to have a general knowledge of how to protect theirself but does not have the time to committ to weekly or long term training. Our programs include our very popular Crash Course and our weekend, one-day, and two-day clinics.
We also specialize in our Street Smart Womens Self Defense Clinics, and Childrens Self Defense Clinics. As well as the same for men. Our system of self defense for kids is amazing the way it helps them to retain what they are taught.
Our long term training consists of options such as weekly training classes with 4 convenient official training days which allows this to fit into most anyones schedule, and impromptu training times throughout the week by instructors and senior club members. These impromptu classes can be some of the most rewarding and helpful aspects of Reality Krav Maga training. Becoming a member is not automatic; you must apply to be one. We consider it an honor! Come experience Best Self Defense Training in Louisville.
What we do
Reality Krav Maga is the military krav maga style, and also combines the best techniques and principles from Boxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Filipino Martial Arts (Kali, Eskrima, and Arnis), Silat, Lotar, Kapap, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Aikijujutsu, Hapkido, Aikido, Wing Chun, Small Circle Jujitsu, Chin-na, mma, Hock Hocheim system, Defendo, Kenpo, Jun Fan Gung Fu, Bando, San Shou, Savate, Combat Grappling, BJJ for the Streets, various mixed martial arts, other great self-defense techniques we learn through seminars from special guests! Our goal is to provide the best self defense classes in Louisville. We take martial arts to a whole new level.

Real Estate Agent
Crash Course
Tuesday Nov. 16th 6pm - 8pm
Reality Krav Maga is a Non-Profit Program that is now managed by Family of Faith Church, inc. We do not charge for our training. Everything is on a free will donation basis. If you see anything on this site that looks like it is asking for a fee, please do not misunderstand. We do have suggested donations, but the actual amount is up to you. Nothing is mandatory to train.
Watch this Video!!!
Contact Us
Weekly Classes
7505 St. Andrews Church Rd
Louisville, KY 40214
(Classes Held at Family of Faith Church, inc)
Tuesdays: Adults at 6:30pm
Saturdays: Adults 9am, and 10pm
Kids 11am
Periodic Classes held at this location 509 Obyrne Ave #206
Louisville, KY 40223
(inside Middletown Jazzercise & Fitness)
12100 Taylorsville Rd
Louisville, KY 40299
Contact us for details
Reality Krav Maga
is an non-profit outreach program of FOFC, Inc
Family of Faith Church, Inc.